Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The merger's off - at this stage

After extensive talks, the Federal Executive of the Alliance has concluded that there is not sufficient consensus within the Federal Executive to continue discussions for a merger with the Community and Public Sector Union at this stage. The Alliance will continue to explore all our options to ensure we sustain a strong union, to build power at work and to represent our members and industry.

That's the formal message to members, which doesn't say a lot, on the surface.

So what's next?

Up to you, in a way. We Alliance officials are still looking at ways to strengthen our industrial and professional efforts, and if you have suggestions, please send them in.

The debate at Federal Executive was spirited, and several options are still open. If you think there is something else we can do to ensure the Alliance remains effective, please tell us. Don't hold back.

Terry O'Connor, Queensland Secretary

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Amalgamation debate info – stand by

Were you one of those cynics who assumed that the MEAA debate about a possible amalgamation with the CPSU was simply for show – that the amalgamation was a done deal and the debate was a sham, constructed to try to demonstrate democracy in action?

If so you've just been proved wrong.

The Alliance Federal Executive met in Sydney yesterday and today (Tuesday, March 8) to consider several important issues including the possible amalgamation and the debate was robust, to say the least. Very robust, at times.

I'll leave details of what happened, what motions were carried etc, until the information is formally released. But you can be assured there wasn't a rubber stamp in the room.

Stand by . . .

Terry O'Connor, Queensland Secretary